SeaKettle: A Life Raft With An Incorporated
Desalination Process
The SeaKettle is a life raft that combines safety, accessibility, and a desalination process. In an emergency at sea, you may not be able to obtain fresh drinking water before being forced to abandon ship. Passengers could easily die of thirst or from extreme temperatures before they are rescued or reach land. The SeaKettle solves these potential life threatening problems by providing both insulated, reliable shelter as well as fresh drinking water. The process, involves pumping sea water up to a Gortex covered reservoir, where the water is subject to evaporation. The evaporated water then hits the top canopy and condenses, filling the four pockets around the raft with fresh drinking water. The Gortex cover over the reservoir allows the vapor molecules to escape, but holds in the larger liquid molecules, preventing the pockets of fresh water from becoming contaminated by the sea water. This produces enough water for up to five passengers to stay sufficiently hydrated.
And here are some pictures:
(Cool right? It pumps the water, and somehow filters it and makes it drinkable and fills it in the four tubes to store it, and now you can drink it, without tasting the saltiness. =])
And thats it! Pretty cool right? Cause I WANT ONE!!! Not for survival or anything, but just for like a hobby, spend time and etc!! =D
[To read more about it::>> There are a few more products there, so go and read about it. There's one in a different language, but HEY! Thats what Google Translate is for!!]