Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sigh, everything was fine in the morning, till after I reached work. Probably it was because I didn't eat breakfast. But I skip breakfast all the times.. Anyways, after around one hour in work my stomach started aching like crazy! At first most people would go to the bathroom, which I did. Once my foot stepped into the bathroom's border the pain went away. I headed back and got back to work. Within 10 minutes later the same thing happened with the same results. Finally my manager said that I should see a doctor and etc. Which of course I did. It was located on the 5th floor of Times Square. Going to Times Square so many times and such, I had never knew that there was a clinic. Skipping to the conclusion, the doctor said I had gastric and gave me some medicines. In total it costed RM 45!! FUCK NO! That's a lot, I need to work one full day just to get that amount of money.. =.=, but thank Starbucks, because I could claim it from them since it was my day of work.

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