Toady was suppose to be a really boring day.. like totally fucked up. I didn't had work so I didn't set my alarm, but I woke up around 10. I finished watching Cowboys v.s. Aliens only computer. I got hungry, and since I haven't been out to my shop lately I decided to go. I reached there around 1:00 pm, my mom didn't cook so I went and bought some food. Then later as the usual, I got nagged... consistently. It was boring!! There wasn't much customers and it was just plain boring... Around 3:00-4:00 pm I headed out to Pavilion to meet my church friends. They were in the movies so yeah.. I didn't bother. I had my other group of friends which was my old school friends, I went with them. We went to eat dinner and all that while my church friends didn't call me, so I was like yeah, whatever. I had no idea there was things to eat on the higher floors of Lot 10, I only thought all the food stalls were at the lower floor. Anyways, we ate, and had a great time.
Later on one of my church friends ringed me up and asked me where I was, I then went back to Pavilion and look for them. One really fucked up thing happened.. I forgot to wear my contact lens so I couldn't see really clearly, after I went to the toilet to wash my hands, and only was my hands, I came out and two girls were walking towards my direction. One said, "where is the ladies?" the other said "right here, this one." Then the first girl said, "hahh..." Because I WAS FUCKING WALKING OUT OF IT!! God damn... No wonder it felt kind of weird when I went in. There was only 4 stalls and no urinal connected to the wall... Damn.. After I came out, I straight away walked away quickly.. =.=.. And also thank god that when I was in there no girls came out from the stalls...
The time then was around 7-8, my church friends had to leave. I went back to my old school friends and finally after all the debate and stuff on where we should go, it was between karaoke and overtime. I didn't really wanted to sing so I went to overtime.. finally we all agreed to go to overtime and we had a great time!!
At last my friend's dad fetch me home, so I didn't have to ride the lrt then taxi. Thanks. ;)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Twelve Hours In Bukit Bintang
Today was a pretty good day for me, minus all the transportation and tiredness.. Sigh.. My plan was to head to Times Square today to do a few things, since it was my day off from Starbucks. But first I needed to go to this place in Maluri to get an injection which is required for me to get while working. I set my alarm to 9, but woke up at 8 due to some things. My dad came in my room and said that it was a public holiday and I was like WTF? Which means the clinic is closed? Damn, was I pissed... It was all planned and stuff and now it was a holiday.. =.=, so then I called my manager and asked her what day it was and she said it was a public holiday and the clinic is closed. I ended up not going there today. I went to Times Square at around 12:00 pm. Met two of my friends along with the mother of one of my friend. All of them were females and they were shopping. You know girls, they take half an hour in a store and comes out empty handed and tells you they want to see other shops first. That was what exactly what happened.
Later on I merged out with them and did my things. I first when to Lot 10 to help some friends get some coffee beans. They sell fragrances and when customers smell too much fragrances, their nose clog up or feel a little dizzy, so smelling the coffee bean helps. Because I worked at Starbucks and of course the beans there smells really good, they told me to help them buy because I also have 30% off. I went there and did that. Then I went to Times Square to get my pay check from my previous job and then did a little shopping. I saw this waist bag a few days ago, so then today I brought my money and was ready to buy it, after a few times I ended not getting it because I didn't know that the clip was so ugly and it costs 90 bucks, I expected it to be PERFECT! But no, I didn't get it. It was about 3 and I ran into my other friend along with his brother and cousin sister. He was doing a little shopping but then accompanied me to eat lunch and split. I was going to head home after that, till my old school friends hit me up and said they were at Pavilion. I went to meet up with them and had a pretty good time.
We have a prom night coming up soon so we were looking for suits, but mainly a blazer/coat. It was about 400-500, I think it's pretty worth it. There's two ways of saying it, one is that you only get one prom in a life time so why not make the most out of it? The other way is it's a waste of money because you're only going to wear it once. Pretty much both ways are true.
After that they had plans to go to CEO for karaoke. I didn't wanted to sing though, at least not today. Finally after all the decisions and such we ended up at Overtime at Pavilion. While chatting and playing some card games I drank two bottles of 150ml beer along with a glass of Chivas Regal 12 year. It was pretty fun. Then we headed over to Caffeiness at Maluri. Ate some dinner and was about to split. I was almost going to head home, along with a few other friends. Some other friends were going to a friend's house to play some Mahjong. After a tense discussion one of my friend fetch me home. Such a nice friend.. I know.
Because of all these things happening I'm not going to go out late unless I have a car. That's it, I'm not going to hurt my friend's friendship like that. I'm soooo going to get a car now. I don't care how cheap it is and how fragile it is, I'm getting one.
We have a prom night coming up soon so we were looking for suits, but mainly a blazer/coat. It was about 400-500, I think it's pretty worth it. There's two ways of saying it, one is that you only get one prom in a life time so why not make the most out of it? The other way is it's a waste of money because you're only going to wear it once. Pretty much both ways are true.
After that they had plans to go to CEO for karaoke. I didn't wanted to sing though, at least not today. Finally after all the decisions and such we ended up at Overtime at Pavilion. While chatting and playing some card games I drank two bottles of 150ml beer along with a glass of Chivas Regal 12 year. It was pretty fun. Then we headed over to Caffeiness at Maluri. Ate some dinner and was about to split. I was almost going to head home, along with a few other friends. Some other friends were going to a friend's house to play some Mahjong. After a tense discussion one of my friend fetch me home. Such a nice friend.. I know.
Because of all these things happening I'm not going to go out late unless I have a car. That's it, I'm not going to hurt my friend's friendship like that. I'm soooo going to get a car now. I don't care how cheap it is and how fragile it is, I'm getting one.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Late night blog post?
I'm just so bored right now. Today, which is actually yesterday, which I'm talking about is Sunday the 27th I worked from 12-6, and due to because working only 6 hours doesn't gets me a free meal, but only 2 free beverages. Therefore I asked my manager if I could add another hour. This way I can get a free meal and save around 8 bucks for lunch. Anyways, it was just so busy today. Mixing beverages, cleaning tables, washing dishes non stop.
Reached home at around 8, rest for a while, showered, then computer and suddenly fell asleep. Woke up an hour ago and had nothing to do, watched some Youtube and now doing this blog post. As you can see already this post doesn't actually has a point, I'm just bored and such..
Alright, let's talk about life:
I took 3 subjects for O Levels, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail one subject, which is math, because I had barely studied it, and if my assumptions are correct then I'm gonna retake the exam next year at around May while continuing working at Starbucks. I pretty much like it in Starbucks. Despite of cleaning tables, washing dishes and doing all the other duty things I just love making the beverages and meeting new people.
Though, life could be a lot more easier if my dad would let me drive ALONE. Actually, talking about this I think that my dad would let me drive alone already, but it's just my mom who's all behind this, saying I'm gonna fuck some people on while on the road, listen.. PEOPLE. Not cars.. =.=", oh mom, when will you wake up one day and finally realize that I've grown up?
After all these years and such I finally realize that parent's don't actually mean what they say. I remember a year or two ago I always argued with my parents - especially my mom. She would sometimes say that she wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because every time she does, we argue. Then came today, while I was having a moment with my dad, talking about pretty much everything. He also mentioned for me to talk to my mom more, I mean she literally told me not to talk to her.. And you know the feeling of when you just START to tell someone something and they judge you already? That's totally my mom. I think that if I told her I went to a pub, then she would be like, hey, those places are bad for you. Many people go there to find targets and ruin their lives with drugs and stuff. And you think all those alcohol drinks are good for you? For god's sakes you're only 17! And did you mess around with some girls? COME ON! Let me fucking finish.. I went there to listen to some songs.. - I know this isn't like the best example, but I think you get my point because everyone in life has already has encountered huge amount of people who are like this. That's why I appreciate it when you tell someone something and they don't judge you. These are the kind of friends that I would love to keep.
Moving on, what else is going on in my life?
Hmm.. Right.. I love the smell of coffee. I love to drink it, especially espresso shots! I know like 90% of the people who goes to Starbucks would order something sweet, either blended beverages, lattes or cappuccinos. I love the pure espressos though. (Caffe Americano) It's where shots are added in a cup, depending the size you order, mix with either hot or cool water. I love the ones with ice and I added 3 bags of "equal" sugar. It's small in packet and tastes good. Most importantly with all the late nights and such, I usually get tired at times, and this Caffe Americano just helps me get it all straight. ;p
I think that's pretty much it, I'm going to go sleep now, have to wake up at around 8 tomorrow and head on to Maluri for a Typhoid Injection.. ouch..
I'm just so bored right now. Today, which is actually yesterday, which I'm talking about is Sunday the 27th I worked from 12-6, and due to because working only 6 hours doesn't gets me a free meal, but only 2 free beverages. Therefore I asked my manager if I could add another hour. This way I can get a free meal and save around 8 bucks for lunch. Anyways, it was just so busy today. Mixing beverages, cleaning tables, washing dishes non stop.
Reached home at around 8, rest for a while, showered, then computer and suddenly fell asleep. Woke up an hour ago and had nothing to do, watched some Youtube and now doing this blog post. As you can see already this post doesn't actually has a point, I'm just bored and such..
Alright, let's talk about life:
I took 3 subjects for O Levels, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail one subject, which is math, because I had barely studied it, and if my assumptions are correct then I'm gonna retake the exam next year at around May while continuing working at Starbucks. I pretty much like it in Starbucks. Despite of cleaning tables, washing dishes and doing all the other duty things I just love making the beverages and meeting new people.
Though, life could be a lot more easier if my dad would let me drive ALONE. Actually, talking about this I think that my dad would let me drive alone already, but it's just my mom who's all behind this, saying I'm gonna fuck some people on while on the road, listen.. PEOPLE. Not cars.. =.=", oh mom, when will you wake up one day and finally realize that I've grown up?
After all these years and such I finally realize that parent's don't actually mean what they say. I remember a year or two ago I always argued with my parents - especially my mom. She would sometimes say that she wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because every time she does, we argue. Then came today, while I was having a moment with my dad, talking about pretty much everything. He also mentioned for me to talk to my mom more, I mean she literally told me not to talk to her.. And you know the feeling of when you just START to tell someone something and they judge you already? That's totally my mom. I think that if I told her I went to a pub, then she would be like, hey, those places are bad for you. Many people go there to find targets and ruin their lives with drugs and stuff. And you think all those alcohol drinks are good for you? For god's sakes you're only 17! And did you mess around with some girls? COME ON! Let me fucking finish.. I went there to listen to some songs.. - I know this isn't like the best example, but I think you get my point because everyone in life has already has encountered huge amount of people who are like this. That's why I appreciate it when you tell someone something and they don't judge you. These are the kind of friends that I would love to keep.
Moving on, what else is going on in my life?
Hmm.. Right.. I love the smell of coffee. I love to drink it, especially espresso shots! I know like 90% of the people who goes to Starbucks would order something sweet, either blended beverages, lattes or cappuccinos. I love the pure espressos though. (Caffe Americano) It's where shots are added in a cup, depending the size you order, mix with either hot or cool water. I love the ones with ice and I added 3 bags of "equal" sugar. It's small in packet and tastes good. Most importantly with all the late nights and such, I usually get tired at times, and this Caffe Americano just helps me get it all straight. ;p
I think that's pretty much it, I'm going to go sleep now, have to wake up at around 8 tomorrow and head on to Maluri for a Typhoid Injection.. ouch..
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sigh, everything was fine in the morning, till after I reached work. Probably it was because I didn't eat breakfast. But I skip breakfast all the times.. Anyways, after around one hour in work my stomach started aching like crazy! At first most people would go to the bathroom, which I did. Once my foot stepped into the bathroom's border the pain went away. I headed back and got back to work. Within 10 minutes later the same thing happened with the same results. Finally my manager said that I should see a doctor and etc. Which of course I did. It was located on the 5th floor of Times Square. Going to Times Square so many times and such, I had never knew that there was a clinic. Skipping to the conclusion, the doctor said I had gastric and gave me some medicines. In total it costed RM 45!! FUCK NO! That's a lot, I need to work one full day just to get that amount of money.. =.=, but thank Starbucks, because I could claim it from them since it was my day of work.
As you guys know I started working at Starbucks, not too long ago.

Life's great there, my co-workers are quite nice, the environment is awesome and most importantly I could see smiles on people's faces. Though I'm don't really believe deeply in these things call the Horoscopes and etc, but I find it fun to read it every once in a while. So like it says I'm the type who can get emotional in just a snap, which is 100% true. My friends just don't get me, one second while in the Karaoke we're like hitting it going all out, then the next moment I'm like sitting there with that emo face of mine. Anyways, my point is that I get emo too while work. There has been times where my co-workers was like, hey, smile la! I'm like alright...
Moving on, met a girl at Starbucks the other day. People who knows me very well knows that I kind of check out girls all the time regardless of when and where. So I was doing it while working, that moment I had nothing to do, I just stood there looking around till two girls came in. Doing the usual I was looking at them, they were laughing and everything. Later on I ask my friend what their names were, she said she didn't know, she later go asked them, blah blah blah, one of the girl came and asked me for my number and email, texted on my way home she replied, texted her again, no reply, then tried again tomorrow, no reply. Then I was like, forget this..
But I just picked up the phone yesterday and called her and I had this thing in mind, that if she didn't picked up I would've delete her number, cause like no point and such. She really didn't picked up but another number miss called me, I called it, it was her, we chat for a while, I asked her out.. wait? Asked her out? I didn't exactly said it was a date.... I asked if she wanted to hang out.. Whatever, its a date.. (I guess she might have thought it was.)
Said we would meet at 12 somewhere, I got there around 11:40, went to Starbucks to order a drink cause I was like sleepy. With two shots of espresso I got hyped up and awesome! In total I waited an hour something till she showed up. I thought she made me wait, but whatever. So we went to watch a movie. I was thinking Twilight, but when we got there there were 3 seats left and yes, you guessed it, it was separate. I was thinking, what's the point if its separated? We ended up watching another movie, Made In.. something with a D, we didn't really watched it through, but instead we chat and stuff. Afterwards we went to eat Marrybrown's, my first time there ever! She wanted to go, so we did. Wait, that sounded bad, like as if I was pushing and putting the blame on her.. I don't mean that... =.=, anyways we ate, walked for another 10 mins, I sent her home, then I got home, and that was it.
Was it great? I don't know really... yet. Gosh, I don't know! I've having like so many thoughts going on in my mind right now and its. Time. For. Emo. State. To. Think! Peace out!
Life's great there, my co-workers are quite nice, the environment is awesome and most importantly I could see smiles on people's faces. Though I'm don't really believe deeply in these things call the Horoscopes and etc, but I find it fun to read it every once in a while. So like it says I'm the type who can get emotional in just a snap, which is 100% true. My friends just don't get me, one second while in the Karaoke we're like hitting it going all out, then the next moment I'm like sitting there with that emo face of mine. Anyways, my point is that I get emo too while work. There has been times where my co-workers was like, hey, smile la! I'm like alright...
Moving on, met a girl at Starbucks the other day. People who knows me very well knows that I kind of check out girls all the time regardless of when and where. So I was doing it while working, that moment I had nothing to do, I just stood there looking around till two girls came in. Doing the usual I was looking at them, they were laughing and everything. Later on I ask my friend what their names were, she said she didn't know, she later go asked them, blah blah blah, one of the girl came and asked me for my number and email, texted on my way home she replied, texted her again, no reply, then tried again tomorrow, no reply. Then I was like, forget this..
But I just picked up the phone yesterday and called her and I had this thing in mind, that if she didn't picked up I would've delete her number, cause like no point and such. She really didn't picked up but another number miss called me, I called it, it was her, we chat for a while, I asked her out.. wait? Asked her out? I didn't exactly said it was a date.... I asked if she wanted to hang out.. Whatever, its a date.. (I guess she might have thought it was.)
Said we would meet at 12 somewhere, I got there around 11:40, went to Starbucks to order a drink cause I was like sleepy. With two shots of espresso I got hyped up and awesome! In total I waited an hour something till she showed up. I thought she made me wait, but whatever. So we went to watch a movie. I was thinking Twilight, but when we got there there were 3 seats left and yes, you guessed it, it was separate. I was thinking, what's the point if its separated? We ended up watching another movie, Made In.. something with a D, we didn't really watched it through, but instead we chat and stuff. Afterwards we went to eat Marrybrown's, my first time there ever! She wanted to go, so we did. Wait, that sounded bad, like as if I was pushing and putting the blame on her.. I don't mean that... =.=, anyways we ate, walked for another 10 mins, I sent her home, then I got home, and that was it.
Was it great? I don't know really... yet. Gosh, I don't know! I've having like so many thoughts going on in my mind right now and its. Time. For. Emo. State. To. Think! Peace out!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Today was my first day of work. I'm working on part time at a place that sells beverage drinks that are healthy, its 100% fruit and fresh. It's located at Times Square, First Floor East, First Avenue. I think that's how you say it. It's just the new part of Time Square, and inside are like props to make it feel like you're in a street, there's a lot of things for sale, but I find it mostly girl, because that's one of the reason why I took this job anyways! =] Oh, the place is called Smooshie Juice! They have a website, and its here.
When I first got there, it was only me. Like no one else at this particular booth. So I called up my boss and she said to lay out all the ice first and take the hammer behind the counter. I felt WEIRD! That's only because I didn't had the company's t-shirt and people were looking at me like, "whose that dude?" and "why is he going behind the counter?" "Is he a thief?" I was like T__T.. But anyways, I went to take the hammer and sorted out all the ice. It felt... FUN! It's been so long since my hands had been freezing cold. Damn, I really miss winter.
Blah blah blah, when my boss showed up with another dude, we laid out all the drinks and packed fruits out and they were gone. It was just me for 3 hours till another girl was coming. I was like WHATTT? I barely know anything. But I just did what I could. (The "cashier system" was pretty fun. It was like all touch screen and you have to press this, then this and then this.
So when the girl showed up I went for my lunch break. Which was at around 1:30. I thought, hey, 1:30, McDonald's McValue Lunch is from 12:00-3:00. Little did I forget that there's a McDonald branch in Time Square, but I totally forgot, so I went to the one in Sungai Wang. I walked all those steps that I shouldn't have. Damn was I dumb! =.=
Overall, the job was great, just sell the juices and kind of promote it, and pour it on cups and put the cups on the trays and let people try it, but I should definitely bring my glasses next time, if you get my drift! =]
When I first got there, it was only me. Like no one else at this particular booth. So I called up my boss and she said to lay out all the ice first and take the hammer behind the counter. I felt WEIRD! That's only because I didn't had the company's t-shirt and people were looking at me like, "whose that dude?" and "why is he going behind the counter?" "Is he a thief?" I was like T__T.. But anyways, I went to take the hammer and sorted out all the ice. It felt... FUN! It's been so long since my hands had been freezing cold. Damn, I really miss winter.
Blah blah blah, when my boss showed up with another dude, we laid out all the drinks and packed fruits out and they were gone. It was just me for 3 hours till another girl was coming. I was like WHATTT? I barely know anything. But I just did what I could. (The "cashier system" was pretty fun. It was like all touch screen and you have to press this, then this and then this.
So when the girl showed up I went for my lunch break. Which was at around 1:30. I thought, hey, 1:30, McDonald's McValue Lunch is from 12:00-3:00. Little did I forget that there's a McDonald branch in Time Square, but I totally forgot, so I went to the one in Sungai Wang. I walked all those steps that I shouldn't have. Damn was I dumb! =.=
Overall, the job was great, just sell the juices and kind of promote it, and pour it on cups and put the cups on the trays and let people try it, but I should definitely bring my glasses next time, if you get my drift! =]
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
What a day..
Today is one of.. that should be yesterday, since it's almost 1 a.m. already. Anyways, yesterday was one of those messed up days for me. So I had a math exam, it was paper 2, to be exact I wasn't ready for it at all. I literally barely studied and everything I had learn from the past, I just forgot, all the equations, formulas and all that other stuff. So I got in and I was like, "come on, let's see how this goes" not far in, I was like I'm gonna fail this badly. Well, not badly as in poorly, probably above the level bad, but beneath the okay level. Whatever. I did my best to complete all the questions and tried not to leave any blank and it was only 1 hour into the exam, so I went back to the first page and tried to do the ones I left out, after doing this process a few times, it was times up.
After the exam I had a couple of things to do. Right out the entrance of the exam building, I went straight to Pavilion, I went shopping. =] I got a job and it requires me to wear black shirt with a tie and black pants. I already had a few ties, and I've bought the shirt the last time I was there, so mainly I was there this time to look for black pants. I looked everywhere then went back to Giodano and bought it there. It was great, Rm 150 for 2. I was happy. It was those kind of skinny jeans that would fit perfectly on me if I was wearing my size. But I got a size bigger so it would be not that tight and little looser.
After I got my pants I needed to go to Times Square to bring my hard drive to repair, I bought it in a shop called, "Thunder Wave," up in IT Center. I got it for fairly cheap. Which was Rm 188. Today I went to bring it for technical support and when I glanced at it again it was selling for Rm 228 this time. Phew! Was I lucky! After the dude define what my problem was, and to see if it matched what I was saying he told me that they needed to send it back to the factory or some sort, and it would take 3-4 weeks. On the other hand, he told me to take it to Sungai Wang, 4th floor and look for this shop called, "SIS." I was like, alright fine, because if I took it there it would only be 1-2 weeks. I got my things and I went. I went there and looked everywhere, but after about 40 minutes walking every inch of Sungai Wang, I couldn't find the place. And they said 4th floor, and the only store on the 4th floor was this Hair Salon, I asked a whole bunch of people and no one knew..
About this time, my brother called me and asked if I was done so he could come and pick me up. I said no, but I'm about to. I told him I was at Times Square, cause' since I couldn't find the SIS shop that dude told me about, I have to give it to them and wait 3-4 weeks. When I got back to that dude.. HE TOLD ME LOW YAT! WHAT THE FUCK MAN!! But I was like WTF? Isn't Low Yat kind of like Sungai Wang or something? I was like, fuck it man, I ain't going all the way back there. So I just gave it to them and ended it there. I was suppose to get a receipt for sending my thing there, but he said the server was down or something, so I didn't get one. I figured this is a pretty big shop, unlike the little booth some people sell phones in. So I thought it was alright.
Now my bro called me again and said he was at Pavilion. PAVILION! I was at Times Square. I was tired, like mad tired. He didn't know how to come to Times Square from Pav, so I said wait for my at that McDonald, just go straight from Pav and you'll see it. So at last I walk there.
Boy was I tired. I walked from the exam place, Menara Yayasan to Pav, then Pav to Lot 10 to Sungai Wang, to get to Time Square, then from Times Square back to Sungai Wang, then from there back to Times Square, then back to Sungai Wang and McDonald's. While I was walking to these places, there were big groups of people who were in the streets give you paper and writing stuff, saying to help people, you won something and all that other crap, but to me it only meant one word. SCAM! Or make it two. FUCKING SCAM! If you know me then you would know. I'm the type of guy that walks fast. Like quick. That's only when I'm alone, which I was. So figuratively I was walking swiftly down the streets, when I walk past these people who were trying to scam me, I could see that they were trying to hard to keep up with my pace and they were saying all those sweet things to me. But I was like, no thanks. And continued on. I didn't even stop, cause if I did while that person was talking to me, a few others would come to talk as well, which only meant one thing to me. SURROUND! They want me to have no way out. So I knew, that's why I didn't stop and stuff.
That's pretty much it, my hard disk had everything my computer USED to had. All my pictures, documents, and movies. When I putted my things in there, I deleted it from my computer because it was too clogged up and laggy. And most of my .. MY MOVIES! I had all the episodes of How I Met Your Mother, and now it's just GONE! But pictures? Come on man! Memories!! On the positive side, probably there's a reason for this or something. My stupid internet (P1) sucks and downloading movie takes a long time. But I'm getting Unifi real soon, at least I hope so. And I'm gonna get movies again. But definitely going to download How I Met Your Mother AGAIN! I mean, who can resist Barney being so awesome? Pretty much it... STINSONS OUT! hehee, actually Adrian out. =]
After the exam I had a couple of things to do. Right out the entrance of the exam building, I went straight to Pavilion, I went shopping. =] I got a job and it requires me to wear black shirt with a tie and black pants. I already had a few ties, and I've bought the shirt the last time I was there, so mainly I was there this time to look for black pants. I looked everywhere then went back to Giodano and bought it there. It was great, Rm 150 for 2. I was happy. It was those kind of skinny jeans that would fit perfectly on me if I was wearing my size. But I got a size bigger so it would be not that tight and little looser.
After I got my pants I needed to go to Times Square to bring my hard drive to repair, I bought it in a shop called, "Thunder Wave," up in IT Center. I got it for fairly cheap. Which was Rm 188. Today I went to bring it for technical support and when I glanced at it again it was selling for Rm 228 this time. Phew! Was I lucky! After the dude define what my problem was, and to see if it matched what I was saying he told me that they needed to send it back to the factory or some sort, and it would take 3-4 weeks. On the other hand, he told me to take it to Sungai Wang, 4th floor and look for this shop called, "SIS." I was like, alright fine, because if I took it there it would only be 1-2 weeks. I got my things and I went. I went there and looked everywhere, but after about 40 minutes walking every inch of Sungai Wang, I couldn't find the place. And they said 4th floor, and the only store on the 4th floor was this Hair Salon, I asked a whole bunch of people and no one knew..
About this time, my brother called me and asked if I was done so he could come and pick me up. I said no, but I'm about to. I told him I was at Times Square, cause' since I couldn't find the SIS shop that dude told me about, I have to give it to them and wait 3-4 weeks. When I got back to that dude.. HE TOLD ME LOW YAT! WHAT THE FUCK MAN!! But I was like WTF? Isn't Low Yat kind of like Sungai Wang or something? I was like, fuck it man, I ain't going all the way back there. So I just gave it to them and ended it there. I was suppose to get a receipt for sending my thing there, but he said the server was down or something, so I didn't get one. I figured this is a pretty big shop, unlike the little booth some people sell phones in. So I thought it was alright.
Now my bro called me again and said he was at Pavilion. PAVILION! I was at Times Square. I was tired, like mad tired. He didn't know how to come to Times Square from Pav, so I said wait for my at that McDonald, just go straight from Pav and you'll see it. So at last I walk there.
Boy was I tired. I walked from the exam place, Menara Yayasan to Pav, then Pav to Lot 10 to Sungai Wang, to get to Time Square, then from Times Square back to Sungai Wang, then from there back to Times Square, then back to Sungai Wang and McDonald's. While I was walking to these places, there were big groups of people who were in the streets give you paper and writing stuff, saying to help people, you won something and all that other crap, but to me it only meant one word. SCAM! Or make it two. FUCKING SCAM! If you know me then you would know. I'm the type of guy that walks fast. Like quick. That's only when I'm alone, which I was. So figuratively I was walking swiftly down the streets, when I walk past these people who were trying to scam me, I could see that they were trying to hard to keep up with my pace and they were saying all those sweet things to me. But I was like, no thanks. And continued on. I didn't even stop, cause if I did while that person was talking to me, a few others would come to talk as well, which only meant one thing to me. SURROUND! They want me to have no way out. So I knew, that's why I didn't stop and stuff.
That's pretty much it, my hard disk had everything my computer USED to had. All my pictures, documents, and movies. When I putted my things in there, I deleted it from my computer because it was too clogged up and laggy. And most of my .. MY MOVIES! I had all the episodes of How I Met Your Mother, and now it's just GONE! But pictures? Come on man! Memories!! On the positive side, probably there's a reason for this or something. My stupid internet (P1) sucks and downloading movie takes a long time. But I'm getting Unifi real soon, at least I hope so. And I'm gonna get movies again. But definitely going to download How I Met Your Mother AGAIN! I mean, who can resist Barney being so awesome? Pretty much it... STINSONS OUT! hehee, actually Adrian out. =]
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